

Wildlife Prints

American redstart and Black-and-white Warbler

American redstart & Black-and-white Warbler

Digitally remastered replica print. Frame not included.

Title: American redstart / Black-and-white Warbler
Year: 1901
By: New York Commissioners of Fisheries, Game and Forests
Country of origin: USA

Moose In The Forest

Digitally remastered replica print. Frame not included.

Title: Moose In The Forest
Year: 1901
By: New York Commissioners of Fisheries, Game and Forests
Country of origin: USA

Black capped chickadee and White-breasted nuthatch

Black capped chickadee / White-breasted nuthatch

Digitally remastered replica print. Frame not included.

Title: Black capped chickadee / White-breasted nuthatch
Year: 1901
By: New York Commissioners of Fisheries, Game and Forests
Country of origin: USA

Owl perched on a tree branch and full moon

Digitally remastered replica print. Frame not included.

Title: Owl perched on a tree branch and full moon
Year: 1900
By: Ohara Koson
Country of origin: Japan

Chameleon hidden in the jungle shade

Digitally remastered replica print. Frame not included.

Title: Chameleon hidden in the jungle shade
Year: 1807
By: William Wood
Country of origin: UK