


Do you deliver worldwide?

Yes! We deliver to most countries across the globe. The few exceptions are Cuba, Iran, Crimea, Syria, and North Korea because of legal or shipping carrier restrictions.

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping is free!

When will I receive my order?

Shipping times vary greatly by location. Standard poster sizes (12X18 and larger) ship faster. It typically takes about a week or less for US and Canada. Postcard size prints (4×6 in.) typically take about a month. Please note that shipping times currently fluctuate greatly due to COVID restrictions.

How are parcels shipped?

Prints are shipped in either rigid cardboard envelopes for smaller size prints or in triangle mailing tubes for the large ones.

If you haven’t received your order or if one of the prints is damaged upon arrival, please reach out to us via the contact form, and we’ll send you another new print. Please read our Returns Policy for more details.

Which currencies can I shop in?

You can select from several different currency options on the Cart and Checkout pages.

What type of paper do you use?

All posters with the exception of postcard-size prints use heavyweight acid-free paper with Museum-quality giclée-printing.

Poster-sizePostcard-size (4″x6″)
Paper Thickness10.3 mil (0.26 mm)0.13 inches (0.3 mm)
Paper Weight5.57 oz/yd² (189 g/m²)8.85 oz/yd² (300g/m²)
Finish typeFlat matt finishHigh-quality matte finish. Laminated feel
Paper OriginMade in JapanMade in the USA

Please note that for postcard sizes, a small barcode or QR code necessary for order fulfillment is printed on the backside of the print (invisible from the front printed side).

Do you offer discounts for bulk orders?

Yes. We offer special discounts for orders of more than 10 prints that ship to the same address. The % discount will depend on the amount of prints you want to order. Please contact us for details.

Do you do custom orders?

Yes. If you’re looking to print something in particular or would like one of our pieces printed on something other than a poster (for example a t-shirt or mug), please contact us for details.